
Accelerated Bottom Line Expansion Consulting

Changes driven by economic, political, and technological forces and digital innovations are dramatically changing our clients' expectations, distribution channels, benefit administration, and experiences.

SGS Performance Partners' “ABLE” Consulting Division works to prepare our clients for emerging opportunities, solve their current market place challenges and bring value added solutions to enhance growth and the overall health of the organization.

Wellness Program tied into a Fixed Indemnity Plan: Tax Savings and Health Benefits

The Benefits of a Wellness Program

With the increased costs of health insurance, it is imperative that employees take an active role in their own health. By exercising and leading a healthier lifestyle, their overall health increases and dramatically reduces health care costs due to issues that come up due to poor health. A Wellness program rewards those individuals who are able to satisfy certain criteria and show they are healthy. The benefits of having healthier staff working for your company include:

  • Improved productivity and employee retention
  • Better employee health and morale
  • Lower health-related costs

The Tax Benefits

By offering an employee wellness program tied into a fixed Hospital Indemnity Plan, your company may be entitled to receiving some enhanced tax benefits. Wellness programs focus on prevention of health problems through exercise, stress management and nutrition counseling. Employees participate voluntarily and may be entitled to receive units that they can use to purchase supplemental insurance. We know every employer is different. This is where we can help you determine the best plans for your culture and your employees - all of this will result in the best savings for your company, and will add to your bottom line.

**Our “ABLE” consulting division also offers an array of Value Added Services tailored to your company’s specific needs.